What is Sound Yoga?

Supported by a sound scape of live music, participants are invited into a guided session of special vocal toning sounds, mantra, breath and listening awareness, to support deep relaxation, meditative states and inner connection. Participants have the option to engage actively in the vocalisation of sound or to be immersed in the sound vibrations in a more passive, receptive mode similar to a sound bath. Either way, the effects are deeply transformational.

How Sound Yoga can help

Reduces stress

Benefits sleep patterns and blood pressure

Helps calm the nervous system

Creates new neural pathways

Improves PTSD symptoms

Builds resilience and emotional intelligence

Builds social connection and inclusion

Who is Sound Yoga for?

No prior experience is necessary. Sessions are suitable for all age ranges and levels of mobility, tailored to your personal circumstances. You are invited to honour what is ‘alive’ for you; seated, lying down, or moving as is needed. You can be active in the session, gently guided to participate in the healing sounds, or passive, bathed in the nurturing and transformational resonance of the instruments and vocalisation of the facilitator.

  • Everyone loved the class and really got into it! Siddhi Shakti made us all feel very comfortable and explained the science of making different sounds and how it helps our nervous system regulate. Most of the group reported feeling lighter, more relaxed and could breathe so much deeper and easier than before the class. Some saw colours swirling behind their eyes as they felt the vibrations of the sound...a few participants later told me they slept better that night than they had in a long time. Thank you for a revitalising and uplifting class. Your passion for sharing your knowledge and expertise with sound as a pathway for peace and wellbeing is very appreciated.

    Jess Karnaghan, Buddy Up Event Leader, Forster NSW
    For serving and ex-serving military personnel, emergency services, and their families.

  • I was so so grateful to have experienced a sound & energy healing with Siddhi Shakti - wow. I could palpably feel the energy moving through different parts of my body and light energy pouring in - the sound & mantras she was using to clear through a lot of blockages I needed support with. I felt safe and so held the whole time so that I could just drop in and receive. Thank you for such a supportive healing whilst I've been in a huge transformational point in life. Truly incredible!

    Aswini, Sydney

  • “It was amazing. I found an internal change that last time I was in your class. I was dealing with family health issues and by the end of your class I felt filled with love and joy and peace in a profound way. Thank you…recommend this to all. Amazing.”

    Joanne, Newcastle

  • “I walked in feeling I had a cloud hanging over me and walked out feeling lighter, brighter, hopeful and smiling!”

    Kim, Sydney

  • "Each week seems to surpass the last. My sessions have exceeded all expectations...I feel lighter. I’ve released burdens that were holding me back and I realise how much has shifted. I have become somebody who I’m very happy to be."

    Noni, Sydney